Wednesday, June 6, 2012

17 Months

17 Months!!  At 17 Months, this boy:  Has little curls coming up from under his hat...
Continues to steal my heart each day...
Has the BEST cousins...
Cousins who hold him, play with him, and make him cookies...
Likes to play with his adorable friend...
They go shopping together, too.
At 17 months, this boy LOVES to be spoiled...
And will make it known if this is NOT happening!!!
He loves his dad more than anything in the world...  

At 17 months, he eats pretty much anything we give him (except strawberries!!!)
And still looooves to say, "Hi!"
He can look very grown up with his plate one minute... 
And let you know not to get your hopes up, the next!  (A few seconds after this shot, he started shoveling all of that food on the floor:) 
He likes trying new things...
But does NOT appreciate when his mother slacks off, and let's him get pelted by the wayward fountain!

He is getting a little lazy at 17 months... 
Here is a parting shot at our Uncle's cabin, in Cascade.  Heaven!


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