Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This summer, we've been up to...
Eating tonzzz of Graham crackers

Chillin' with Nana

Taking lots of baths

Hanging out with friends

Going to target

Lots of time in the car 
Getting crazy hairstyles
Eating popsicles
Sleeping in till' nine, and having bedhead
Working on school stuff
Visiting Jeff at work
Checking out the new park
Woop de doo!!
His favorite
Spending time with amazing cousins!
Trip sleep!
Having matching hair with nana
More nana time
Going to Jill's wedding in Nashville...amazing!
Checking out the view
Connie came to see us!!!!
Eating s'mores
Hanging out with the girls
Getting a first haircut
Checking out the Nashville night scene
It's hot, here!!
The bride and her dad
Getting LOTS of attention from the cousins
There is so much more than even what I have pictures for, here!!  After Nashville, we had a super fun family reunion in Twin Falls, and then went to Pasco, to hang out with more fam.  It's been wonderful to spend time with everyone, and to have everyone loving on Cash.  He loves his family so much!!  We have the most amazing extended family on both sides...truly blessed.  I hope everyone has been having a great summer. :)


  1. I loved your summer update through photos! Thanks for sharing! :) I had so many favorite photos, but I think my top three are the matching Nana hair, trip sleeping (the shirt really makes the pic perfect), and the woop-de-doo park one! :) Too funny!

  2. Hehe, love your list!!!!! I can't wait to hear about your trip, it looked like a TON of fun!

  3. One correction-taking a moderate number of baths...ha ha!

  4. Excellent pics of my family and grandson! Love them!


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