I've watched the video, and I've read some of the critiques. I've also read Invisible Children's response to critiques. Some thoughts...
I understand this charity might have high overhead costs, but that is definitely not something they hide. I never thought the posters, bracelets, and other merchandise was designed for free. Isn't that the great thing about our country? If we work hard, and are good at what we do, we generally get paid a reasonable wage. They are obviously working hard, and are pretty good at what they do-considering the millions of people that have now heard about their cause. are people even talking about something as petty as a few million dollars, after watching the heart wrenching activities that have taken/are still taking place? After I watched that video, my first thought wasn't "Hmm..I wonder what this charity's overhead cost is." I don't think anyone can say that the nice looking guy with the adorable son is some sort of money hungry, greedy jerk. I admire ANYONE who is dedicating their life to help stop the injustice that is happening across the world us.
I know I am pretty much the last person qualified to comment on politics in Africa, and that's okay. I know things are complicated, I even found myself saying "There are so many horrible things going on, we can't stop it all." Later, as I thought about that, the story that everyone loves to tell, came to mind. You know-the one about the little boy who was throwing starfish back into the ocean, and the man said, "You can't save them all..." etc...Why would I take it upon myself to be a critic of this organization, and movement, who is actually doing SOMETHING.
This video made me STOP. It made me LISTEN for an entire half an hour. Who does that anymore? Who watches a YouTube video for a half an hour? I usually get bored after 30 seconds. I'm on to the next blog, on to the next piece of celeb gossip, or ready for bed. The next step is to now DO SOMETHING. Even if there isn't a complete comfort level with the Kony 2012 campaign, there are so many other organizations, so many other ways to help. A representative from International Justice Mission came to our church a few months ago, and it was powerful. Please go to their website! It's time to get involved. Stay tuned...
Very well said Sis!
ReplyDeleteRe the second paragraph--you are such a . . . capitalist!!