Saturday, April 21, 2012

My 2,000th Page View! (Giveaway!)

Us...Gracing Your Computer Screen Since January 2012...

So...I looked today-and I was on my 2,002nd (or is it 2,002th?) page view!  Neat!  I also thought to myself, "Self, this is my blog's 3 month anniversary."  Awww.  I've been cooking for a whole three months...(Well, off and on for years before that...)

Things I like:
*My meal plans-I've become a bit of a eating at home snob...kind of thinking about how delicious my meat, potatoes, and gravy were that one home-cooked Wednesday, as I'm eating at a restaurant
*Spending less at restaurants
*Talking about myself (Isn't that what all "bloggers" like?)
*My blog
*My loyal readers
*Those guys in that picture up there

Things I don't like:
*Not enough time to provide my loyal readers with even more heart stopping, fascinating posts
*Cash's ear-piercing screeches when I take away anything he wants, followed by a quick sit on the floor
*Those first few days that it's really hot, and I'm not used to it, I'm melting...what is the me...oh-only 73 degrees??

Well-that was random.  In honor of my 220,000nd page view (or was it 2,200,002th?)  I'm giving away a ten dollar target gift card to one of my loyal readers!  All you have to do is comment on this post.  You don't have to babysit Cash for an evening, you don't have to follow me on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, My blog, and around my house, and you don't even have to write anything specific on your comment. (Like how much you love me, how interesting I am, and how fascinating Cash's eating pictures are.)  You could even just do a happy face :)  or a funny face :P A mad face might be rude, though : (  See-this is what you can do when you have a blog?  Don't you want one?  Happy winning!


  1. Happy 3 month anniversary! You crack me up! I love reading all of your posts and I especially love all the pics. of Cash!

  2. Love the blog--can never get enough pics of boo bear. However, am getting concerned about your growing dislike of restaurants. An intervention may be in order.

  3. Love your blog!! Love you and your little family.


Thanks for your comment!! :)